
ニュースレター Vol.2 : モーガンの気になるお金の話 シリーズ

モーガンの気になるお金の話 ~FHSSスキーム~

モーガン・ジョンソン Morgan Johnson





マイホーム購入をお考えの方は、当然ご存知であろう First Home Super Saver (FHSS) Scheme ファーストホーム・スーパー・セーバー・スキーム「新規住宅購入者資金積み立て支援」。今回、お話する同スキームは、住宅購入の困難さを軽減するため、2017/18年の連邦政府予算から導入され、初めて住宅を購入する人がスーパーアニュエーション(退職年金基金。以後スーパー)の税制優遇措置を利用して住宅購入資金を貯蓄するのを助けることを目的としています。














  • 引き出しが許可された拠出金の投資収益は、実際の投資の収益額に基づくものではなく、ATOの判断(少なくても3%)に即します。
  • サラリー・サクリファイスを利用、あるいは税控除の対象となる税引前拠出金として貯蓄された資金には15%の税金が課せられます。
  • 貯蓄された住宅購入資金の引き出し時には、その時点での所得税から30%の税控除が適用されます。(例:個人の税率が37%の場合、引き出し分は7%で課税されます)。
  • 同スキームでは、1会計年度につき最高1万5千ドル分まで積み立てられ、合計で3万ドルまで拠出金を追加することができますが、これでは住宅購入の準備資金には十分ではないケースが考えられます。
  • 住宅購入を契約する前、及び、同スキームの引き出し申請を行う前に、必ず税務署からの判断を仰がなければなりません。
  • 住宅購入の目的で同スキームの引き出しを申請した日から、最長24カ月以内に住宅購入を契約するか、住宅建築の契約を行わなければなりません。
  • 同スキームから資金を引き出したにも関わらず住宅を購入しなかった場合は、スーパーに再入金するか、20%のFHSS税を支払わなければなりません。





Morgan Johnson is an Authorised Representative (ARN460730) of PGW Financial Services (AFSL 384713).

Morgan’s Money Musings – FHSS Scheme

First Home Super Saver (FHSS) Scheme

Introduced by the Australian Government in the Federal Budget 2017–18 to reduce pressure on housing affordability. The FHSS scheme aims to help first home buyer to save for their first home by taking advantage of the concessional tax arrangements in the super system.

How does this work?

The FHSS scheme allows you to make voluntary superannuation contributions (concessional which are tax deductible, or non-concessional which are not tax deductible) under the existing contribution rules and caps. You can subsequently withdraw these contributions, with the associated earnings, to assist with the purchase of your first home.

You can apply to have a maximum of $15,000 of your voluntary contributions from any one financial year included in your eligible contributions to be released under the FHSS scheme, up to a total of $30,000 contributions across all years.

Eligibility for the FHSS scheme

To be eligible under this scheme, you must be at least 18 years old and have not owned a home before or, if you have, the Commissioner of Taxation needs to have determined that you have suffered financial hardship and are eligible for the FHSS scheme.

In addition, you must intend to live in the property as soon as practicable after buying it. That is, after your savings have been withdrawn, you will only have up to 12 months to purchase, or start building, a home.

Advantages of the FHSS scheme

  • Couples are eligible to participate together in the scheme, meaning you can each take advantage of the allowed super contributions and then withdraw your respective savings and combine them into the one home deposit.
  • You may be able to earn a higher return on the money saved as earnings generally achieved from a super fund are usually higher than what you may get from a regular savings account.
  • You can use before-tax income to salary sacrifice the contributions into your super.
  • Money saved in this way will be taxed at only 15% (less than the marginal tax rate of most people who will use the scheme).
  • Withdrawals made won’t impact social security entitlements or be used for other income tests used by the ATO. That is, withdrawals will not be included in the calculation of any repayments you need to make for HECS/HELP debts, or in the income tests used to calculate social security entitlements such as family tax and child care benefits.

Disadvantages of the FHSS scheme

  • The investment earnings allowed to be withdrawn are deemed by the ATO (a minimum of 3%), rather than based on investment returns.
  • If FHSS contributions are made using a salary sacrifice arrangement or as tax-deductible super contributions, the contribution is made from before-tax earnings, which means the super fund will levy 15% contributions tax on your super contribution.
  • When it is time to withdraw these savings, you’ll be taxed at your marginal tax rate less a 30% offset.
  • You are only allowed to save up to $15,000 per year and a maximum total of $30,000. This may not be enough to help fund your home purchase.
  • You must apply for and receive an FHSS determination from the ATO before signing a contract for your first home or applying for release of your FHSS amounts.
  • You have a maximum of 24 months (initially 12 months after which you must apply for a 12 month extension) from the date you make a valid release request to sign a contract to purchase or contract your home.
  • If you release the money and do not buy a home, you must recontribute it into your super account or pay a 20% FHSS tax.

Important Note:

Amounts withdrawn from the FHSS Scheme will be used, however, to pay outstanding debts to the Commonwealth Government such as income tax, activity statement, Centrelink and Child Support Agency debts.

If you have an income tax debt which includes a compulsory repayment of part of your study loan, some of your released FHSS amount will be used to pay this compulsory repayment as it forms part of your income tax debt. To find out how this could help boost your first home savings we recommend you talk to your financial adviser.


This information is of a general nature.  Your specific needs or circumstances were not considered when preparing this material.  Before acting on any financial strategies you should consider the appropriateness with regards to your own financial situation and seek personal financial advice. Where information relates to a particular financial product, ensure that you read and understand the relevant product disclosure statement.
Morgan Johnson is an Authorised Representative (ARN460730) of PGW Financial Services (AFSL 384713).